Ειδήσεις για δίκαιη αλιεία, υγιείς θάλασσες και ζωντανές αλιευτικές κοινότητες
EU Launches Review of Fisheries Policy, Seeks Stakeholder Input
The European Commission has opened a public consultation on the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) to assess its effectiveness over the past decade. Stakeholders can provide input until 21 April. This review, part of Commissioner Costas Kadis’ mandate to complete and follow up on a comprehensive evaluation of the CFP, aims to improve sustainable fisheries management and marine conservation. In parallel, it also launched a call for evidence to shape the European Oceans Pact, seeking to foster a broader, integrated and holistic approach to ocean governance across all sectors, including both internal and external policies. Deadline for input is 17 February.
The Commission also launched the Competitiveness Compass, a strategy to enhance the EU’s sustainable economic growth. Key actions include innovation (AI and technology adoption to boost industry); decarbonization (lower energy costs and an Industrial Decarbonization Accelerator Act) and resilience (securing resources via Clean Trade and Investment Partnerships). By modernizing policies and strengthening competitiveness, the EU aims to secure a greener, more resilient economy.
LIFE Calls for Fairer Fisheries Management in 10th Legislature Manifesto Meetings with MEPs
LIFE is holding a series of meetings with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), their assistants, and advisors from across key political groups, including the EPP, S&D, GUE/NGL, and Renew. The purpose is to present and raise awareness about LIFE’s Manifesto for the 10th Legislature—a document outlining LIFE’s priority topics and proposed solutions to address the challenges faced by small-scale fisheries.
The Manifesto highlights practical pathways to improve the sector while aligning with the current and upcoming political processes, such as the Evaluation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and the new European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF). These discussions emphasize the urgent need to implement policies that empower small-scale fishers and ensure sustainable and equitable fisheries management.
LIFE Supports Swedish Proposal for Trawl Closure in Baltic Herring Waters
2/12 – LIFE welcomes the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management’s (SWAM) draft project to close central Baltic herring coastal waters to trawling. Presented in September 2024, the project aims to assess if spatial fisheries management can improve declining herring stocks along the Swedish coast. LIFE supports this initiative as a step towards a healthier Baltic ecosystem. The proposed trawl closure entered into force on 1 February 2025 and will continue until the end of April 2027.
Importance of Short Value Chains and Traceability highlighted at “Follow the Fish” Event

3/12 – LIFE participated in “Follow the Fish”, an event held at the European Parliament organised by Oceana. LIFE Executive Secretary Marta Cavallé took the floor to highlight the need for EU labelling regulations to be as stringent for imported and processed products asthey are for fresh and frozen EU products, and the importance of improved visibility of SSF products, alternative food systems, short value chains, and traceability—key measures that benefit both consumers and fishers by ensuring transparency and fairer prices for small-scale fishers. Moderated by MEP Thomas Bajada, who signed the Follow the Fish statement live during the session, the event filled the room with key stakeholders. Attendees included European Commission officials, MEPs and their teams, Follow the Fish signatories, and seafood industry representatives.
New European Commission Working Group on Small-Scale Fisheries in the Energy Transition coordinated by LIFE Executive Secretary
11/12 – The European Commission organised a workshop, titled “Navigating the Energy Transition: Strategic Goals for Resilient and Sustainable Fisheries Fleet,” held in a hybrid mode, to present the Energy Transition Partnership Support Group. Marta Cavallé gave an overview of the aims of the Small-Scale Coastal Fisheries working group. The meeting provided an excellent opportunity to engage with sectoral group members, while fostering connections with other stakeholders working towards a greener and more sustainable fisheries sector.

As the group’s coordinator, Marta Cavallé will lead efforts to foster collaboration, address critical challenges, share knowledge in light to shape the roadmap to support small-scale fisheries in the energy transition, with the goal of achieving climate-neutrality by 2050. The next meeting of the Small-Scale Support Group is scheduled to take place on 10 February in digital format, and another 3 more meetings of the working group will follow until June 2025. More information about the Energy Transition Partnership Support Group are available here.
Plastic Pellet Spill in Spain: Urgent Call for Action
16/12 LIFE, together with Ecologistas en Acción, Mulleres Salgadas, Surfrider España, Good Karma Projects, Noia Limpa, and The Pew Charitable Trusts, joined in calling for the adoption of stricter regulations to prevent pellet spills in Spain. These measures include ambitious policies to strengthen the production, handling, and transportation of plastic pellets.
LIFE General Assembly 2024
19/12 – The LIFE General Assembly served as a platform to address the challenges and opportunities facing Europe’s small-scale fishers. Discussions centred on LIFE’s 2024 work plan and the key priorities for the Xth Legislature, with members actively contributing reflections and feedback to shape the organisation’s focus for the year ahead. The Assembly concluded with the approval of LIFE’s 2023 financial accounts.
LIFE Comments on DG MARE’s “Fishers of the Future” Report
14/1 – The DG MARE “Fishers of the Future” report, recently presented in Brussels, explores four potential scenarios for the fishing sector, addressing challenges like climate change and market shifts. LIFE’s Policy Advisor applauded the effort to look at the future of the sector and its generational renewal but was concerned about the oversimplification of the resulting report, and highlighted critical gaps, including overfishing, spatial squeeze from offshore renewables, poor working conditions driving out-migration, and overlooked impacts of marine litter and microplastics. These factors threaten fisheries’ sustainability and the appeal of fishing as a livelihood for future generations.
ICES stakeholder meetings, MIAC and MIACO
22-24/1 – LIFE attended the annual stakeholder meeting organised between ICES and the Advisory Councils. Concerns were raised that the advice requesters at the EU Commission, seem to have instructed ICES to delay their work on rebuilding fish stocks, see p.27.
ICES underlined their wish to have active engagement from a wide range of stakeholders and have transparent procedures in place which allow for participation. They highlighted their workshop on Nature Restoration and Recovery on 3-7 March and their working group on stakeholder engagement that will take place on 25-27 March as opportunities to participate in their work.
Workshop on Producer Organisations (POs) organised by the Markets and South West Waters ACs
28/1 – Fish POs have been around since the late 1970s, whilst aquaculture POs are more recent. Together there are 210 of them. The Common Market Organisation (CMO) states that fishery and aquaculture POs are “THE key to achieving the objectives of the CFP and the CMO” and “should take into account the special characteristics of SSF.” This MAC and SWW Advisory Council organised workshop focussed on the functioning of POs and in particular the use of “Production and Marketing Plans” (PMPs).
The workshop highlighted the heavy reliance of POs and PMPs on EMFF/ EMFAF funds, and that there is often a vicious circle between funds not arriving on time and PMPs failing to achieve their objectives. Several participants also highlighted the problem of short-termism: POs are tied into yearly plans and reporting rather than developing longer term strategies. It was also commented that often fishers are focussed on planning days or weeks ahead, and it’s difficult for them to plan longer into the future due to so many uncertainties.
Whilst most interventions highlighted the positive role and performance of POs, Jareck Jaroslaw, the BSAC Chair, drew attention to the failing state of POs in the Baltic alongside the failure of many stocks. He cited the closure of cod and salmon fisheries, reduction in pelagic quota and reliance on flat fish. POs he said, face the end of their existence. In the case of the Baltic, funding for the POs should not be based on volume or value of fish landings but on the survival of the fisheries. He felt that particular attention should be given to small-scale fishers.
This echoes LIFE’s call for POs to be set up dedicated to the interests of SSF- as part of a differentiated approach; such interests are often overlooked in mixed organisations.
Advancing Digital Innovation in Small-Scale Fisheries: Fish-X 3rd Business Architecture Workshop
31/1 The 3rd Business Architecture Workshop of the Fish-X Project brought together fishers, practitioners, maritime authorities, and researchers to explore the role of digital tools in transforming small-scale fisheries. The online event showcased live demonstrations of Fish-X’s innovative platforms, including the Dataspace, Insight Platform, and Traceability Platform. Participants had the opportunity to engage in discussions, provide valuable feedback, and contribute to the refinement of these tools aimed at promoting sustainability and efficiency within the sector. The workshop also included updates on the progress of the Fish-X Project and explored the next steps toward the sustainable transformation of small-scale fisheries. The Fish X Closing Conference and Expo is scheduled for 18 March 2025 and registrations will soon be available at https://fish-x.eu/
17/2 Deadline to contribute to the call for evidence to shape the European Oceans Pact launched by the European Commission
21/2 Fisheries and Oceans Dialogue, Brussels: LIFE will attend the High-level roundtable on the European Oceans Pact, hosted by Commissioner Costas Kadis. It will provide a platform to contribute to shaping a holistic and inclusive approach to ocean governance and sustainable fisheries.
In the press
Pellets issue in Spain